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Questions For: Annie Noebel 

organizer of "SLO Revealed," a downtown adventure race that takes place May 5 from 2 to 5 p.m.

New Times What does “SLO Revealed” reveal?

Annie Noebel It gives answers to clues we’ve written about locations downtown, public art, some vendors, and historical trivia. Last year we focused on history, but this year is more about the city’s art.


New Times Can you give us an example of a clue that was used last year?

Noebel There was one card for Bubble Gum Alley that just said “gross.” People could buy a hint for $10, but they’d also have to do something silly like jump on one foot or recite the alphabet backwards. The hint was “ABC” for “already been chewed.” When you get the right answer, you just know.


New Times The press release says there will be a “wacky” after party. What will that entail?

Noebel The whole event begins and ends at Criki Tiki. There will be a wonderful taco bar, drinks, a DJ for dancing, and prizes for the most correct answers and best spirit. A lot of teams wear costumes and come up with clever team names. The prizes are hysterical, so I don’t want to give away the surprise.


New Times The event is sponsored by SLO Children’s Museum and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Is there a religious component at all?

Noebel Not at all. It’s a community event. We wanted it to be fundraiser, but last year we just broke even. It ended up being more of a “fun” raiser.


New Times What does it cost, and how can people sign up?

Noebel They can go to to register. It costs $40 for adults, $25 for students, and $15 for kids under 12. Everyone just laughs and has a good time. It’s not really hard, but challenging. There’s a separate set of clues for children under 10 so they can play along with adults.

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