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Art Central Jason Mayr's "Right Before My Eyes.” 1329 Monterey St.; 788-0887; artcentralslo.wordpress.com.
ARTS Space Obispo “Henrietta Avenue,” paintings and sculpture by Adrienne Allebe and Saunders Shaw. 570 Higuera St., suite 165 (SLO Creamery); 544-9251; artsobispo.org.
Bambu Batu Craft Marketplace featuring handmade treasures from local glass blower Bart Alford and jeweler Rebecca Mattox. 1023 Broad St.; 788-0806; bambubatu.com.
Baxter Moerman Inaugural necklace show. 1118 Morro St.; 305-8118; baxtermoerman.com.
compact Keith Holbrook, “that as yet dumb experience” photographs. 1166 Higuera St.; 235-3256; compactgallery.net.
Frame Works Oil, acrylic, and varnished watercolor paintings by Alfredo Arciniaga, Leslie Rhae Barber, and Marguerite Costigan. 339 Marsh St.; 542-9000; sloart.com.
GALA Center Fifth annual Pride Art Exhibit. 1060 Palm St.; 541-4252; ccgala.org.
The Gallery @ Energy In Motion "Northern Scotland," a photographic exhibit of Orkney. 1023 Nipomo St., suite 50 (Soda Works Building); 305-5197; energy-in-motion.net.
The Gallery at the Network “Glass Act II.” 778 Higuera St., in the Network; 788-0886; galleryatthenetwork.com.
Granada Bistro and Lounge Naked. Au Naturel. Nude. 1130 Morro St.; 556-4211; granadabistro.com.
Growing Grounds Downtown Store Colleen Gnos’ sea paintings. 956 Chorro St.; 544-4967.
Hands Gallery Fred Conlon’s junkyard sculpture and Josh Bach’s silk ties. 777 Higuera St.; 543-1921; handsgallery.com.
Heaven and Earth Lynn Hessler’s graphics and Chloe White’s sculpture. 964 Chorro St. (upstairs); 801-0163.
History Center of San Luis Obispo County See an original prototype of the SLO City flag. 696 Monterey St.; 543-0638; historycenterslo.org.
humanKind Fair Trade Oil painters Nathalie Inman and Jean Smidth portray natural forms of fruits, vegetables, faces, and bodies. 982 Monterey St.; 594-1220; humankindslo.org.
Ian Saude “Icons,” figurative images by photographer Arthur Tress. Osos St.; 784-0967; iansaude.com.
iDrew Fine Art Large, luscious abstract oil paintings. 331 Pacific St.; 234-2302; drewdavis.com.
Kevin Main Jewelry Sheryl Daane Chesnut’s non-representational and figurative art. 720 Higuera St.; 547-0662; kevinmain.com.
Linnaea’s Café "Josephine Crawford; paintings & prints." 1110 Garden St.; 541-5888; linnaeas.com.
Naturally Jennifer’s Beads & Gallery 2011 Round Robin Grand Unveiling: 10 phenomenal beaders collaborate creating dazzling works of art. 2322 Broad St.; 547-1578.
The Photo Shop “The Blues,” photographic images by Kabe Russell. 1027 Marsh St., suite B; 543-4025; photoshopslo.com.
San Luis Obispo Museum of Art "The Achievers: The Art of Engineering" and "Central Coast Printmakers Honors Cuesta College Student Printmakers." 1010 Broad St.; 543-8562; sloma.org.
Steynberg Gallery New paintings and decorative tiles by Mark Freear. 1531 Monterey St.; 547-0278; steynberggallery.com.
Sweet Earth Chocolates “The Hidden Truth of Women,” sculpture by Josephine Laing. New paintings by Lee Lawson. 1445 Monterey St.; 782-9868.