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Treatment of athlete suspects is appalling 

If news reports are to be believed, five Poly football players attempted an armed robbery, assaulted a police officer, resisted arrest, assaulted a robbery victim and probably a few other charges involving drugs, and they are back on the street? Allegedly commit a class-one felony and be back on campus?

This is incredible. Are we really to believe that there was no special treatment? Is Cal Poly so sports driven that it wouldn’t immediately suspend these thugs? Who put the bail put up? Why were they back on campus so soon? Why so long to file charges? Why weren’t they held pending charges? This is what would happen to any Joe Blow on the street.

Why so little information? Appalling.

-- J. Gary Wilber - Morro Bay

-- J. Gary Wilber - Morro Bay

-- J. Gary Wilber - Morro Bay

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  • Not sure. We need both the fishing industry and renewable energy.
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