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Here's how to make SLO even more boring 

I read the article “Mixed signals” (July 31) and was disturbed deeply by the idea that Cal Poly would use a pseudo sex-scandal as a pretext (pre-sext?) for shutting down one of the few non-corporate outlets for artistic expression that exist on the Central Coast.

Those of us who grew up in this area and became musicians know that KCPR is an oasis of culture in an otherwise dry-as-toast musical desert. I am tempted to say something like “I can’t imagine what SLO would be like without KCPR,” but I can! It would be sort of like it is right now but just a lot more vapid and boring.

Without a dedicated live music venue (one that doesn’t exist to sell alcohol first and deliver good music second), without any real trace of a music scene, and now, perhaps, without even a college radio station, SLO will continue on its long march toward being the happiest place on Earth for terribly boring people.

-- Caleb Nichols - San Luis Obispo

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Do you support the local fishermen's decision to sue over wind farms? 

  • Yes! Wind farms have too many environmental impacts.
  • No—we need this wind farm on the Central Coast.
  • Not sure. We need both the fishing industry and renewable energy.
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